Jul 282011

What is CMMS and how does it fit into cloud computing? What is Cloud CMMS and how does it help you with Maintenance Mangement?

CMMS is an acronym for Computerized Maintenance Management System. This is a term used to describe the software tools used by maintenance management departments. CMMS software is a type of software application or genre if you like. An alternate spelling is Computerised Maintenance Management System and an alternate term is EAM which is an acronym for Enterprise Asset Management. It follows then that Cloud CMMS is a computerized maintenance management system that is available from the cloud as an internet hosted, web based CMMS or online CMMS software.

Cloud computing is a term used to describe hosted, web based and online software that uses the ‘Elastic Utility – Pay As You Go’ pricing model. Elastic because it can stretch or shrink to fit your usage needs. Pay As You Go because you only pay smaller amounts as you use the service rather than a large up front license cost.

A CMMS system may consist of a user interface or application front end and database back end. Hence such applications are also informally referred to as The Database or The System. These terms are further promoted by the fact that they are core to many maintenance personal’s working life. Possibly even the most important software system that they use.

We hope that this explains what is CMMS in common terms with some helpful bonus material. Using cloud CMMS software should have many advantages and we will attempt to cover and explain all the in’s and out’s throughout the CloudCMMS.com website. Our goal is to compare and explore available computerised maintenance software and maintenance management programs, show case maintenance experts and bring you valuable maintenance management services.

Valerie Everett

Gavin Kromhout

Gavin Kromhout holds dual trade qualifications as an industrial electrician and instrumentation technician with 18 years of industrial maintenance experience. Across tyre manufacturing, pulp and paper, news print, water, sewerage, electronics and software development. He also covers the role of computerized maintenance management system and database administrator. Gavin is a preventative maintenance practitioner striving for continuous improvement and application of best practice in maintenance management.

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